Yesterday I attended the Music Choice Most Demanded Music Video Awards in NYC. It was so much fun and among other celebs, I got to meet Akon who gave me a big hug...someone pinch me! This is the link to check me out in the house with AKON, Prima & Audi!! Click the Most Demanded 08 #3 & 4 links!! I gotta hug from AKON, I got a hug from AKON AAAAHHHH!!!!
Tonight I was in a hair & make up show benefit, which was held at Club 960 in the old G Fox Building in Hartford. The place is so retro. There was a wedding going on next door and it looked so elegant! My mom remembers going shopping there when she was a little girl. All the ladies where really nice to me and I got a gorgeous hair style and make up look by Beauty Entourage/ Salon Alexander in New Britain. They are right near Rock Cats Stadium!! Photos By
This week I was cast in a Japanese Music video for a group named DEEN. Their lead singer is Ikemori Shuichi. Here is one of their You Tubes to enjoy until the video comes out later this fall! If you go to You Tube ad search for there videos you will understand why they are so popular in Japan. DEEN'S music is awesome and it is almost impossible to sit still during one of their songs, even if you don't know a word of Japanese!
PS: They didn't have sushi for lunch, they had Chinese! Yum! Don't worry guys, I love Hibachi, it's the sushi I haven't gotten used to yet, but they tell me it is an acquired taste.
PSS: If you thought your eyes where fooling you and you thought you saw me running around the Tavern on the Green past Jerry Stiller in a white dress with a gang of Japanese guys following, don't get new glasses that was ME!!!!
PSSS: My dogs are still barking and if you notice below tomorrow I will be stomping some stilettos down a runway! Woe is me, but it's for a good cause!
I will be modeling in this benefit at Room 960 (the old G Fox building)960 Main Street in Hartford this Saturday! Please come out and support this great cause! All the information is above!!
I'm working on a very cool music video project in the city! This is me heading to a pre-production meeting in SOHO. I usually don't like my mom taking my picture, but I loved this doorway. I will tell you more about it soon, but I've got to get rested for my big day. Just a hint, I bet they might have something like sushi for lunch so I'd better pack some PB & J! Domo arigato-Mary Kate